On No It's Not Time, Save Our Baby

2010 July 03

Created by TaigansMommyAndDaddy 13 years ago
This day was a torrent of emotions, sadness, joy, confusion, depression, happiness, fear, but most of all love. This was the day our little girl was born, but the thing was.. she wasn't supposed to get here until October 17, 2010. She was three months premature. Neither of us (her father and I) slept well the night before because mommy was having such bad pains. After falling asleep for a half hour mommy woke daddy up and told him buggbug was coming so we went and woke grandpa up and said we got to go now! he asked why and buggbugs daddy said becausse the baby is coming. In the rush to the hospital five minutes after we had started driving taigan decidedd she didn't want to wait until we got to the hospital to get here. She was born right there in the front seat of the van. When we got to the hospital, After grandpa rushed in to grab somebody it was a whirl wind of nurses and doctors rushing out of the emergency room doors to save our little girl. One of the nurses had thought she was born as a stillborn but one of the male nurses standing above mommy's head said he saw movement and he had a pulse and they rushed mommy and baby taigan off to labor and delievery as grandpa followed close behind mommy. When daddy got up to the room he was told that Taigan was doing a lot better and they asked grandpa and taigans daddy if they wanted to go see her. They both fought with her mommy because they wanted to stay with me. But I made them go see her, because if I couldn't see her they were going to! LATER THAT DAY after mommy(myself amber) Got out of a D&C daddy(matthew) went in to see her and after all the vistors for myself matthew and I went to see our little girl. We had a conference later that day right after we saw baby taigan. With the main doctor and he didn't have very good news. he told us taigan was physically healthy but she had brain trauma to the left side of her brain from a stroke she had in mommy's belly that possibly could cause cerebral palsy.
